Toyota Kirloskar's much publicised compact car, the Etios Liva, to debut next year, would be priced around Rs 4.3 lakh, say company sources. The compact car, to take on the top-selling hatchback Swift from Maruti Suzuki, would be launched in March or April, a push-back by three months from the earlier expectation.
The Indo-Japanese company will launch the Etios sedan tomorrow at an event in Bangalore, at the hands of Toyota Motor Corporation president, Akio Toyoda.
This sedan is expected to be priced around Rs 5.3 lakh and will directly compete against another top selling model from Maruti Suzuki, the Swift Dzire.
Toyota is looking to produce and sell 70,000 units of both the models in 2011. Launch dates of the Etios Liva has been pushed by at least three months due to unexplained reasons
A TKM spokesperson stated, “We are not disclosing the price of either the Etios or the hatchback. The hatchback will be launch either of March of beginning April.”